La Oferta

May 6, 2024

Readers win cash prizes for taking survey

The Bernal family of Santa Ana, California, avid readers of
 El Aviso Magazine, won $500 by participating in the National Latino Media
Study. Other winners have included the Castillo family, readers of
Magazine in South Carolina, and the Lucena family, readers of 
Al Día en
América, in Louisville, Kentucky.

People who use Latino newspapers, magazines, websites, ePubs, eNewsletters, and podcasts are taking home up to $5,000 in prize money as they share with publishers a vision of who they are and what they like so publishers can better serve them. You the readers can share data on what media you are using and how, including language usage and what services and products you buy.

It is all part of the National Latino Media Study, covering Latino media outlets across the United States. All the publications and websites in the study are members of the National Association of Hispanic Publications (NAHP), the oldest and largest Latino media organization in the USA, founded in 1982.

You will find questions on health, autos, online preferences, entertainment, travel, finance, food, insurance, housing, voting preferences, what country or region you are from, and others.

LatinoLYTICS has carried out more than 440 Readership Studies for Latino newspapers and magazines all over the country.

To participate in the Readership Study and qualify for prize money, click on the following link: